Noncombatant Evacuation Operations

What is Non Combatant Evacuation?

Non Combatant Evacuation (NEO) is an emergency action used specifically for communities Outside the Continental U.S. (OCONUS). NEO is the ordered (mandatory) or authorized (voluntary) departure of noncombatants from danger in an overseas location to a designated safe haven, usually within the continental United States.  NEO is a standard U.S. response to hostilities and natural disasters which might endanger U.S. citizens, and other nations citizens as authorized by the Department of State. USFK practice NEO to ensure they can do this task successfully under real-world circumstances if a NEO is ordered by the U.S. Embassy to evacuate U.S. citizens out of Korea.

A NEO consists of first going to an Evacuation Control Center (ECC) assembly point where you will be instructed on procedures and processed through the NEO "line" Once processed, the NEO personnel will prepare you for transportation.

Who is my NEO Warden?

For those on SOFA status, those who actually still work in Korea, they have a unit NEO Warden. SOFA personnel maintain a NEO Book, a travel bag and a chemical gas mask for each family member. Many of you will remember! 

Retirees living in Korea however, do not have a NEO Warden, but have no fear, in the event of an actual NEO you can still simply 'show up' at an ECC and be processed to evacuate. Not having a NEO book in no way restricts you from the NEO process, exercise or real-world, nor does it drop you down in any priority. All U.S. citizens get evacuated. You can also participate in NEO exercises if you wish, which is actually good practice for both yourself and the NEO staff personnel to work with folks who do not have a NEO book or a NEO Warden, and are "coming in off the street", so to speak.

How will I know if a NEO has been ordered?

NEO exercises are usually well announced via organization Facebook groups such as USAG Humphreys, USAG Yongsan-Casey, USAG Daegu, Osan AB, as well as notices on AFN TV, and or course word of mouth from just about anyone on base. If a NEO exercise is coming, you will no doubt hear about it.

An actual NEO is ordered (can only be done by the Department of State) it will additionally be announced by other means to include cell phone alerts, and local TV. The key to you receiving such notifications will rely on you enrolling in the US Embassy STEP program (below), which lets the Embassy know you are in-country.

NEO Kit/Binder Contents

If you decide to create a NEO Kit, consider the documents outlined below. A NEO kit facilitates a rapid evacuation while preserving noncombatant benefits. ASSUME YOU WILL NOT BE RETURNING.


  • Identification Documents (passports, visas, DoD identification, birth/adoption/marriage certificates, anything that establishes identity, eligibility, citizenship and military affiliation
  • Power of Attorney
  • Execute Family Care Plan
  • DD Form 2209 Veterinary certification
  • DD Form 2208 Rabies certification
  • APHIS Form 7001 U.S./International certification of pet health
  • USFK Form 207 Registration/Title of POV Proves ownership
  • DD Form 2585 Assists in repatriation
  • PHS Form 731 Provides record of immunizations, facilitates border crossing
  • DA Form 3955 Change of Address
  • Letter of Instruction for POV shipment Identifies shipping destination and point of contact info in the U.S.
  • DD Form 754 Attached to residence key, identifies address and owner
  • Social Security Card
  • Financial Records
  • Insurance Policies
  • Copy of Medical Records
  • Legal Documents (e.g. divorce decrees, custody orders, wills, powers of attorney, deeds/titles, etc.)


  • USFK Form 197-R-E prescribes contents of a NEO binder
  • USFK Form 178-R-E Provides critical data for registration into NTS
  • USFK Pam 600-300 Provides important NEO information

What to do if NEO is Ordered

It is important that everyone understands their role in an event like this. Sponsors and family members are responsible to take an active role in being prepared for a NEO by:

  • Stay tuned to American Forces Network (AFN) broadcasts for instructions
  • Report to the nearest EEC assembly point as quickly as possible
  • Leave with the expectation that you will not return
  • Take your NEO kit with you if you have built one, if not, NO WORRIES
  • Cooperate and comply with NEO personnel
  • Remain calm and be flexible

Receive Alerts and Updates Via STEP Program

Enroll with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  – U.S. citizens living or traveling in South Korea are encouraged to register with the Embassy through the State Department’s travel enrollment website.  In the event of an emergency, we use the enrollment information to communicate with you.


Q. My Korean/American spouse is currently visiting family in Korea in the Pyeongtaek area near Osan Base. She will be there about 6 months. Is she eligible to participate in Non-Combatant Evacuation (NEO) operations?
A. Yes

Q. Does she need or have a NEO Warden?
A. No

Q. What does she need to bring with her to the NEO Evacuation Centers?
A. U.S. Passport alone will get her evacuated.

Q. She is renting an apartment now. If an evacuation where to occur, do Apartment Owners waive the requirements for rent?
A. This is between you and the renter.

Q. Does the Embassy need to know that my wife is in the area?
A. Yes it is a highly recommended idea to enroll in the U.S. Embassy STEP program. The link here has info about coming to and being in Korea, and also a link to enroll in STEP 

Related Documents and Links

Courageous Channel NEO Exercise Osan AB, Korea

NEO Pamphlet and Briefings

Non Combatant Evacuation (NEO) is a standard U.S. response to hostilities and natural disasters which might endanger our citizens.