Here are some basic emergency phone numbers in Korea to help you get through any critical situations you may find yourself in while in the Land of the Morning Calm.
119 | Fire and Medical emergencies that require an ambulance
112 | Police
1339 | Korean Help Center for Disease Control (KCDC), Foreigner Helpline
1345 | Immigration (for simple immigration related questions)
1331 | National Human Rights Commission of Korea
182 | Missing Persons & Stolen Vehicles
1330 | Korea Tourism Organization’s Travel Helpline
120 | Seoul Municipal Government Info
110 | National Government Call Center
100 | Telecom Operator
114 | Directory Assistance
123 | Electrical Faults Reporting
132 | Korea Legal Aid Corp
Emergency Numbers published by USAG Yongsan-Casey
Emergency Numbers in Korea
Template to record your own Emergency Numbers with Fillable Fields